A key moment of the Event was the presentation of the «Agent321Job» Index. For the first time, this index gathers up all job offers from the main websites and research studies of commercial agents. The index can tell which market sectors demand more sales representatives or in which sector, even niche, it is possible to find more job opportunities because applications don not satisfy the job offer.
During the two days, 34 events took place: conferences, training courses and workshops. The most attractive activity were the events dedicated to the training of commercial agents. This was the new initiative organized by Forum Agenti for this edition. Speakers took care of concrete training lessons from the key points to develop the sales profession at best to the stress management, from the presentation of the ethical sales techniques to the advices to write the “résumé of the successful salesman”.
The Enasarco Experts’ Advice Area was crowded as usual. It provided free consulting about Social Security confirming the first tier role of the Foundation inside the Exhibition. Legal, Tax and Contractual Consulting were available at the Experts’ Area of the Agent321, crowded as well. In the two days of the exhibition, participants requested 482 free advices.
The Exhibition is always more Internationally oriented. 44 Foreign Companies looking for commercial agents participated in Forum Agenti. They came from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (through Czech Trade), Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Romania, Slovenia (through the Chamber of Commerce of Ljubljana and the General Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Italy), Spain and Switzerland.
Consistent with the growing Internationalization of the Event, Ralph Kamphöner vice Director of EuroCommerce paid a visit to the Forum. EuroCommerce is the European organism dealing in distribution and counting on 6 million associates between entrepreneurs and organizations (Agent321 is one of them). « I already visited Forum Agenti in Naples – said vice Director Kamphöner- but this edition is even more crowded. Besides, Italy is the Country with the highest number of commercial agents in Europe, followed by Spain, Germany and Austria. Our immediate goal is promoting the interaction between European companies and agents, harmonizing the taxation and the different tax systems that are the presumption for the growth of these relations».
«Now we are getting ready for the next stage of the Forum – revealed Enrico Seminara, President of Forum Agenti – it will take place in Naples, on 13 and 14 March 2015 and we are already working on new features».