Where Forum Agenti Veneto happened
When: From 2 to 2 February 2018
Where: Sheraton Padova Corso Argentina, 5 - 35129 Padova

Forum Agenti Veneto 2018 

The first edition of the Regional Events of Forum Agenti took part in Padova on Friday 2 February. During Forum Agenti Veneto the Participating Companies interviewed the Commercial Agents who previously requested a meeting. 

Do you run a company? Are you interested in joining the next regional event aiming at recruiting commercial agents? Give a look at the program of the Regional Events.

Are you a commercial agent? Would like to discover all the sales job opportunities for your region? Request a meeting with the Company you're interested in.

Sponsors and Partners of Forum Agenti Veneto
Soluzione AgentiRadio Agenti.IT

Companies that participated in Forum Agenti Veneto
9Ren People S.r.l
Abbrevia S.r.l.
AGE Web Solutions S.r.l.
Aktys S.r.l.s.
Alfredo Carrea e Figli S.r.l.
AREAMoney S.r.l.
Axpo Italia S.p.A
Bertani S.p.A.
Checks S.p.A.
Compagnia Energetica Italiana S.p.A.
Dea S.r.l.
DMC S.r.l.s.
DR Valsecchi Packaging S.r.l.
Elevia S.r.l.
Gabriel Lux di Ferreri Giovanni Antonio
Gaspari Utensili S.r.l.
Hera Comm S.r.l.
HS Finance S.r.l.
Liebot Italia S.r.l.
Meneghini & Associati S.r.l.
MF Centralerisk S.p.A.
Mollificio Legnanese S.p.A.
Motiva S.r.l.
Noxorsokemgroup S.r.l.
Open S.r.l.
Palladio S.r.l.
Promo Team S.r.l.
RAM.CE di Ramapazzo Chiara S.n.c.
Rotas Italia S.r.l.
Seba Protezione S.r.l.
Simecom S.r.l.
SuperAuto S.p.a.
Tecno Parts di Luna Gianluigi
Visivart S.r.l.
Zipper S.r.l.