169 Companies (not only Italian) looking for new Sale’s Force were ready to welcome them. Job and Recruiting Interviews took place inside their personalized exhibition spaces. Many of them did not have the time of a coffee break!
Job interviews assumed a vital role. Still, many other activities especially set up to be useful for the category, happened in the meanwhile.
There have been lots of convention like the National Assembly of Fnaarc, one of the most prestigious Italian trade association of commercial agents and representatives (1.38). The Press Review corner, where it is possible to read articles and advertising space on the main financial and economic Italian newspapers like IlSole24Ore, Libero and Italia Oggi.
The presence of Radio24, official partner of Forum Agenti, was amazing: it broadcasted live many of its most followed programs, invited important guests and talked about the profession of commercial agents (1.48).
Agents could also benefit from many free services: workshops, training (2.12) and consulting about legal and tax matters (2.31).
Further, the Sponsors enriched the Exhibition: San Carlo, Wind, Soluzione Agenti e Volkswagen (2.42).
Finally, there was CapitanAgenti.IT, the superhero of the Commercial Agents. He walked through the Exhibition center interviewing both companies both agents (2.49).