• you meet targeted and experienced candidates.
• you optimize the times and the costs that the recruitment of commercial agents normally requires.
• through the B2B meeting, you can verify if the person sitting in front of you is the right one for your company. You can check it at once and better than you would do reading his resume.
• you build or renew the sales network in three days.
Discover how to become a Forum Agenti Exhibitor
Are you a commercial agent?
• meet the possible principals you are going to represent.
• extend your area of work outside Italy, taking the chance of meeting tens of foreign companies.
• benefit for free from legal, tax and social security consulting service offered by the best professionals of Agent321 and the Enasarco foundation.
• join for free several training courses and workshops about legal, tax, sales etc.
• test brand new models of the most important automobiles manufactures and value to eventually buy a new car thanks to dedicated offers for Commercial Agents.
Request your free ticket and join the next Forum Agenti